















      The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and an important festival in the traditional Chinese twenty-four solar terms. With the arrival of summer, the comic industry will also have many works related to summer. This article will introduce several recommended comic works during the summer solstice.


      The summer solstice refers to June 21 or 22 each year. This day is the longest day and the shortest night of the year, and it is also an important festival in the traditional Chinese twenty-four solar terms. The summer solstice is a warm and energetic season, and people can enjoy the fun of sunshine and outdoor activities in this season. In the comic world, the summer solstice is also a very active season, and many comic artists will create works related to summer.

      Firstly, "Stray Cat Honey Fish Sauce" is introduced. The theme of this comic is friendship and growth. The protagonist is a stray cat who meets a honey fish and becomes good friends with him. Both of them spent a spiritual summer in a small town in the summer, experiencing various interesting things together. This comic not only brings laughter and tears to people, but also conveys the message of friendship and warmth.

      Secondly, "Chao Mei Huang Xiaomi" is recommended. This comic takes the summer beach as the background and follows the story of a group of energetic young people. The protagonist Huang Xiaomi is a unique girl who likes to surf and sing. Her enthusiasm, innocence and courage attract people around her. Maybe this is why she attracts attention on the summer beach. This comic depicts a world full of optimism and encourages people to face life positively.

      The third recommended comic is "Star Trek". This work takes the tropical island in summer as the background, tracking the wonderful journey of some children exploring unknown territories together. The protagonist Star Chasing and his little friends spent this summer by exploring mysterious ruins, searching for treasures and embarking on thrilling adventures. This comic combines science fiction elements, fantasy adventures and summer scenery into one, making people feel the infinite charm of summer.

      Finally, "Confusing Fruit" is introduced. This comic is set in the tropical rainforest and tells a story full of mystery and eerie atmosphere. The protagonist Abasha is a young man who encounters a series of strange events when looking for his missing sister. Abasha and his little friends constantly explore and search for answers in the rainforest in summer, which has caused many bizarre events. This comic depicts the mysterious atmosphere of the summer rainforest, making people feel excited and nervous.


      The summer solstice is a vibrant season where we can feel the sunny and vigorous atmosphere. In the comic world, the summer solstice is also a vibrant and creative season where many comic artists will create works related to summer. In this article, we recommend several excellent comic works related to summer, which not only bring laughter and emotion, but also convey values and thinking.
